Once upon a time there was a Unicorn called Lilly. Lilly thought something was wrong but she didn't know what. One day at school she learnt about global warming! The next day it was the weekend and she started recycling. Her Mum asked “Why?”, she said, “Because I want to help the planet.”, “Can I help?” said Mummy, “Yes please” said Lilly. Lilly inside she felt a bit happy.

The next day Lilly ate breakfast and then read books about saving the planet.

“Yes!” said Lilly finally finding one she could do. She felt excited. So she went and made a sign. She went outside and planted it.

She waited for one day and one night. The next day someone joined her. She felt happier, also she felt supported.

The next day more people joined her until the King Unicorn joined.

Lilly felt big inside. The bad people said no and kept going but the crowd got bigger and bigger. They kept on going. We said stop. They kept on going. Lilly suddenly felt small and sad but her Mum said come and look how far we've gone. Lilly looked up and smiled. “Thank you” said Lilly. “No, thank you.” said Mum. Meanwhile the bad people said “Okay, we will stop hurting the planet”.

“Yay!” everybody cheered. Lilly and the King cheered.
The End!